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Maximizing your existing IT investment
The multi branch leading family Dental services provider
The client has been providing exceptional dental care since 1973.
From the very beginning the client was offering the latest treatments and cutting-edge technology to the people of Melbourne.
In recent years the world has made a quantum leap in progress and technology: advances in computer science, chemistry, biochemistry and biomedical engineering have changed the medical world as we knew it. These advances are enabled the client to perform treatments which would have been considered as science fiction even as early as 20 years ago.
By keeping up with changes the client has been able to incorporate technologies such as dental implants as a routine alternative to missing teeth or predictable teeth whitening as part of our cosmetic solutions. Implant supported dentures or fixed non removable restorations are now a cohesive part of our every day dentistry
A simple, affordable & secure solution
What was needed: A compliant ITS support service that could accept to allow the client to operate, minizine downtime while support ongoing work.
Our services allowed the client to get access to the support they needed when they needed it.
Our support meant even small problems like email not working or slow internet was able to be diagnosed and fixed quickly and efficiently.
Access to Expertise: When the more complex requirement a raised Peace Of Mind IT was able to assist and help the client focus on its core business.
A fast reliable solution
Affordable Hourly Support: Our support packs meant the client was paying only for what it needed.
No Lock-In Contract Flexibility: The client is able to get support without being locked into contracts.
Expertise on Demand: When something special was needed Peace Of Mind IT was able to provide the service that was required.
Lasting Impacts: Select Peace Of Mind IT service gave them the flexibility they required in their IT Support. They were able to get general support when needed while boosting the capability when the requirements got more complex.
Ready To Get Started?
Peace Of Mind IT combines a proven skillset with the knowledge to deliver projects on time and within budget.
We will simplify the convoluted world of IT and provide you with the best knowledge and advice available. With us, you’ll find the right decision for your business.
We want to be the difference that enables your business to stand out from the crowd.
We will walk with you every step of the way, and derive satisfaction from the added value we can bring to your enterprise.