3 Ways SMBs can profit from the online community
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3 Ways SMBs can profit from the online community

Influencer Marketing

Today, the highest paid athletes make more money off the field than they do on it. According to some reports, Cristiano Ronaldo earns nearly $50 million annually from paid Instagram posts alone. Using celebrities to sell a product isn’t new. However, the age of Instagram has allowed conventional publicising to appear more natural, as well as making this avenue of advertising a possibility for a greater range of businesses. Rather than contracting a superstar to appear in ads for a product or company, the celebrity just needs to post on Instagram about the advantages of what you’re selling. What has led to the rise of the ‘influencer’? It’s simple: the experience is customised. Traditional advertising, such as ad breaks on TV or billboards, aren’t tailored to the individuals who might see them; the space is simply offered to the highest bidder. Online, though, users choose to follow those ‘influencers’ they feel some connection with. Perhaps they like that particular person’s taste, or values, or simply enjoy their posts. Whatever the case, there is a certain kind of relationship between influencer and user. The user trusts the influencer and, by association, and product or service that influencer plugs. You might be thinking at this stage, ‘Fantastic, but how in the world am I ever going to afford Cristiano Ronaldo?”. Fair enough; few of us can. Fortunately, influencers with smaller followings (think 100,000 or fewer) can still have a hugely beneficial impact on your business. These influencers may have fewer followers, but their followers generally have elevated levels of commitment and trust, and with appropriate statistical surveying you can get in touch with a crowd of potential customers keen on what you have to offer. At long last, keeping your image dynamic via web-based networking media is likewise significant for the individuals who may find or further investigate your business on such stages. Much the same as when you meet another person and search them up via web-based networking media, shoppers are continually looking at new organisations first through online life. Using influencers to promote your products or services is a way to instantly add a particular type of value to your business, a value that followers associate with their chosen influencers. This type of value is powerful currency in today’s world of online shopping. It’s something to seriously consider.

Advanced Online Medical Services

Time is money. Nowhere is this more applicable than in the world of small business. With a small workforce, efficiency and commitment are more important than ever. Employees late for work or taking longer lunch breaks can have seriously detrimental effects on the performance of a small business. In a big corporation, these occurrences are but blips on the radar. Unfortunately, staff absences are unavoidable. After all, we all get run down every now and again. Advanced online medical services, however, are changing the game. Previously, if an employee of a small business felt unwell, they would need to take sick leave and book an appointment with a doctor. Instead of helping the business grow from their work desk, they would be sitting in a specialist’s waiting room for hours, wasting time. Now, new telehealth organizations are helping small businesses to save precious time. Through organizations such as our boutique consulting, anyone can consult a professional IT consultant from their office. Online issue check-ups normally take around 15 minutes, in which the issue can get a diagnosis and treatment plan, including any required solutions. This saves mind-blowing amounts of time that would otherwise be wasted in commuting time and on-site services. Also, consultation times are not restricted to a single consultant hour of availability. Online appointments can be offered around the clock, so the clients can book a consultation for the hours required. This leads to less stress on your business and peace of mind for your employee. Another huge benefit for smaller businesses is the medical options these new services make available to contract workers and specialists. Some employers cannot afford to provide their workforce with medical insurance and employ contractors because it’s cost-effective and allows them to target the required talent. It’s worthwhile in these circumstances to make those working in your business aware of the services provided by organizations such as PlushCare, and the convenience of online medical consultations now available.


The importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. As 2020 moves into full swing, new programming will enable organisations of all shapes and sizes to bind disparate elements of their operations, allowing smoother communication across all areas. While this is extraordinarily beneficial for your company, such centralisation requires expanded cybersecurity. According to a survey conducted by Insureon, only 16% of entrepreneurs think they are in danger of a cyberattack. In reality, 61% of cyberattacks are targeted at smaller, independent business. The average cost of one of these little hacks? $86,500, according to web security firm Kaspersky Labs. An amount a larger enterprise could easily swallow, but a staggering setback for any SME. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to shield your business from cyberattacks.

  • Routinely update your products. This is a basic step in securing your information. Deferring even the most normal updates can have cataclysmic impacts.

  • Guarantee retail location frameworks are sheltered. Organisations that perform exchanges online ought to put resources into the start to finish encryption programming. In addition to the fact that this safeguards your business, it also provides security for the clients and gains their trust.

  • Educate workers on how to spot malware and phishers. Entrepreneurs must be proactive in the insurance of their organisation, which includes anticipating where human mistakes may occur. Hold a class with your representatives to examine what perilous malware may mask itself as.

  • Enlist an IT master. On the off chance that your organisation can afford to do so, employing an IT expert is an unquestionable requirement as the world continues to race towards a digitised future. As an entrepreneur, you don't have the opportunity or information to do everything single-handedly; recruiting an expert from the IT field is big step towards securing your business.

Be conscious of the 2020 trends that will help your business stand out. Advancing and developing your image by means of influencer showcasing awards you access to a concentrated market of potential shoppers and customers. Understand the avenues available in the current market that allow you to employ specialists as contractors and stop you losing hours of time. A cybersecurity approach that secures your organisation against information breaks and hacks, starting from the earliest stage, guarantees all parts of your business are advanced. Private ventures with a far-reaching approach and information on the most recent tech trends are better situated to beat those that adopt a limited strategy.

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